Sentinel High School
Class of 1974
Sentinel High School Class of 1974
Wishing all of our class mates, family and friends a happy, healthy, fun day filled with love, laughter and wonderful days ahead during our holiday season. God Bless each and everyone of our classmates. Let us take a quiet moment to remember those who have gone before us.
Martina Duppong Rolando
50th Class Reunion Recap!
Our 50th Class Reunion has come and gone and what a great success it was. Classmates attended who had never attended a reunion in prior years, how inspiring that was for our committee. If I forgot to mention anyone at our Saturday night event it was an oversight. Again, a huge thank you goes out to Debbie Brown who helped to arrange the Unseen Missoula Tours. Barb Shepard who always is our banker and takes care of our golfers. Russ Dexter who so kindly secured our wonder venue, Katy O'Keefe's who always treat us right. Eddy Carl, you are the best of the best. Without you my friend we would have been up the creek without a paddle. You are amazing at arranging for our catering and knowing exactly how much we need to order. Thank you again. A big thank you to Debbie Beaudry Rossman for her delicious and beautiful cupcakes. Lori Barnett was our saving grace on Saturday morning and helping us to set up for the Saturday evening event. I also want to thank Libby Schneiter for her wonderful art in supplying us with posters, signs and picture frame for pictures. Thank you to Lindsay and Mia Cordier for checking classmates in and selling raffle tickets. Amanda Olds thank you, thank you for picking up, delivering and setting up our food. It takes a village and we certainly had one.
I hope everyone enjoyed themselves and were able to reconnect with classmates and establish new friendships. We were able to conclude our weekend at Oro Ranch compliments of Deb Johnston Carstensen. It was a much needed decompression for the committee members. Such a memorable time and the setting was a dream.
I have posted pictures from the reunion and there will be more added in a few more days. If you have pictures please feel free to add them to our website as I know we all would love to see them. Thank you again to all of the Spartans from 1974 for making our 50th Class Reunion a memorable event.
God Bless!
Martina Duppong Rolando